Tuesday, March 06, 2007

News ... in tired-man portions

It's been a hectic time of life lately ... my eyes are blurry from a frustrating balls-up at work (not my doing) which only I can correct ... my laptop gave up the ghost and now I'm tossing up whether to throw it out or get it repaired ... the Donald Maass Agency rejected Ghost Kiss so it's now with another agency called DiFiore and Company ... I'm due to hear back from Fantasy Magazine about 'Displeasures' by early next week ... turns out 'From a Vampire Film Review' (their revised title) was published in the 'winter' issue of BB&T but no one bothered to confirm that for me. Contributor copies are on their way ... Slow but steady progress on Loadaed, up to page 85 now. Right ... I think that's the lot!


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