Saturday, February 24, 2007

What a mistake-a the make-a

As I began keying in some more changes on Loaded this morning (I figure mixing that with marking pages up will help reduce the monotony of the process) I discovered a typo on the FIRST FRICKIN PAGE. Now, it wasn't even a spelling mistake as such - I wrote 'consulting' instead of 'consulted' - but it mucked up the grammar of the whole sentence. In any other situation that could be considered a piffling oversight, and a lot of professionally produced magazines on newsstands have proofreading errors, but ... gee. In the book world, I think this is going to cost me dearly. Readers are looking for reasons to say, "Next!" and stick your manuscript in its SSAE.

Another somewhat unpleasant incident on a message board has convinced me to back away from any further association with a particular small press publisher. The forum has developed a creepy, weirdos-at-a-Star-Trek-convention feel and I think I might have offended some nerd in Vulcan ears with my tell-it-like-it-is approach to life.

Oh well, some weeks are just going to be like this, I guess.


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