Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Burnout is an ugly thing

I have just completed a new draft of 'Buried Potential' and was horrified to see it - like 'Displeasures' - marred by glaring errors and huge chunks of telling. It's almost as though I had a mental illness towards the end of last year and can only now see the absurdity of my thinking around that time.

Anyhow, once I've keyed in all the changes (probably this weekend, if I can find the time) I plan to send it off to Abyss & Apex. I don't know whether its Australian flavour will work for or against it, but I'm all out of Aussie options after sending that substandard version around. A pity.

Also coming down with my first cold of 2007 - these have been a forgettable couple of weeks.


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