Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lots happening, nothing happening

It's been an eventful week or so, even if none of the events are cause for celebration. I received a nice rejection from Four Volts of the 'good story but doesn't suit us' type which certainly beats some of the insipid nonsense I've copped lately. The rejected story, 'Other Intelligent Life', is now with The Town Drunk who I thought I would never bother submitting to again after their dumb-arse rejection of 'Level Two' ... but who knows, maybe subtler humour will appeal to them.

I'm now hacking away at Loaded again; done about 48 of the 148 pages. As usual it's the descriptive passages that are time consuming, full of passive prose and unnecessary telling and exposition. In fact, if the page is largely description it can take 40 mins of brain-pain editing before I'm really happy with it. That adds up to many hours of work - but it'll be worth it if Allen & Unwin show any interest. They're due to reply in the next month or so.


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