Thursday, February 22, 2007

Cut it out!

Editing continues apace and I feel as optimistic about authorship as I have in months. No particular reason why I should - perhaps it's just an inflating confidence in my ability to recognise passive prose (thank you very much Spinetingler editors for that valuable lesson). The other reason might be that 52 pages in, Loaded still strikes me as a good read. The lottery aspect of this 'profession' has been getting me down for the past month or two, but I've lately been infused with hope once more - a necessary thing, since it is the uncontracted writer's only sustenance during the potentially endless journey ahead.

I'm tapping in changes to 'Buried Potential' during whatever scraps of free time I can scrounge up. It's funny to be working on both things at the same time, as they are set in the same fictional cluster of outback towns. Part of another novel, Poison, also takes place there. I'd love a wide readership to get to know Kangaroo Flats, Shingleback Valley and Snake Ridge, as well as their odd characters and incidents.

When 'Buried Potential' is submitted, I plan to try 'Level Two' - a story that tickles me a lot - at a market called Atom Jack, which claims to like humour. Of all my stories, I think the lack of interest in 'Level Two' surprises and disappoints me most.


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