Wednesday, January 24, 2007

All over bar the shouting

Well, I finished the greater part of Commune this morning. It's come out at about 160 Word pages, and I figure there's about another 10 pages of epilogue needed to tie up all the loose ends. So if that's how it pans out, the first draft will be about 102,000 words. Not quite the 150,000 I first envisioned, but then the narrative did not turn out as I envisioned either.

I finished an edit of 'Displeasures' yesterday and was mortified to find I had sent a version of it to Aurealis that was full of typos and a whole paragraph that should have been deleted. At least I think I did; it makes me wonder if I didn't do a new version on another computer and failed to replace the master copy with it. Oh well, it will be in Andromeda's hands soon.


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