Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wow ... that's lame

There's nothing more frustrating than having a submission rejected because the reader clearly had no idea what they were reading (or were just in a mood that day). Here's the highly useful and thoughtful explanation Andromeda gave for 'Other Intelligent Life' failing to make it past round one:

"not at all believeable. By that I mean I simply couldn't suspend disbelief long enough to enjoy the story"

Uh ... it's a comedy. It's a satire. How many comedy/satires are strictly believable? I can't think of a single one.

Boy, I haven't had such an infuriating rejection in many a month. Oh well, maybe BBT will take it.


Ouch. Just got a form rejection from From the Asylum. Two in one day. That's gotta hurt.


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