Tuesday, December 19, 2006

No news is, um, no news

I've not added any posts in the past week because, sadly, there has been nothing to report. Commune continues to limp along a few hundred words at a time, hobbled by work commitments and general fatigue. My aim to have it finished by Christmas is now nothing but a fairy story - unfeasible even by fairy story standards. In fact, I think I'll be lucky to have it done before I go back to work on January 8 next year.

I queried Spinetingler about 'Blue Diamond Pool' and they had pretty much just planned to run the story as I sent it, minus the endnotes. Actually, I think the managing editor was a touch surprised how willing I was to make the changes I did make. I guess they deal with their share of prima donnas in this biz.

BB&T have revised their publishing schedule (going from quarterly to bi-annually) so it looks like 'The Vampire Film Review' will not see print until July 2007. Sigh...


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