Thursday, November 23, 2006

Plentiful supplies of self-doubt

I set about editing some of the remaining Loaded pages this afternoon and I have to say it was a depressing experience. The descriptive passages, in particular, all seem wordy and flat and in need of a complete rewrite. I have the editor at Spinetingler to thank/blame for this, because her comments on 'Blue Diamond Pool' opened my eyes to the shortcomings in my other work.

From here on out I've decided to tackle no more than three pages a day - at that rate, I will have marked up all the pages by the time Allen & Unwin get back to me. Although I have to say, in my current frame of mind, I can't imagine them expressing any interest in the rest of the manuscript. God, I feel like I have bi-polar disorder with all these crazy mood swings.

Part one of Commune will be completed by 5:30pm. Looks like my revised 108-page estimate was on the money.


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