Tuesday, November 28, 2006

One more hurdle, erm, hurdled

I've done very little on part two of Commune in recent days, mainly because it was just too hard to tackle without some sort of basic plot outline. But this morning I stood on the train and put my brain to the task of hashing one out. I've got perhaps the next 30 pages sorted, although I'm still up in the air about where to take the finale. I'm hoping the act of composition will help me decide. I have a few options, but they all seem to come to either a completely unhappy ending (which you just can't have in a 350-400 page novel) or something a bit flat. I'll worry about it when I get there, I think.

Made most of the suggested changes to 'Blue Diamond Pool' on the weekend - I only agonised over one or two. I've sent some 'feedback to the feedback' on half a dozen points, but I've not yet had a responset. Of all the editor's recommended changes, I think the best was the new ending. My ending was creepy; hers is even creepier (and it only involved chopping off a sentence or two at the end). It's all been a very satisfying and salutary experience.

Expecting an update from Andromeda this morning; will post an addendum should there be any news.


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