Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Rejoining the Commune

Okay, I had a stab at a prologue for Commune this morning and I think it came out pretty well. So, with any luck, today is the first of 150 which will be devoted to the new novel.

I'm also making changes to the second draft of Truck Me ... which I think from here on out will be known as Loaded. I'm not usually sad to see working titles go but I had a fondness for this one. However, it's too gimmicky, a bit vulgar, and could well put a slush reader off before he or she begins. So out it goes.

Don't think I mentioned either that my adventure with Hunter S. and Jack Kerouac is over. Thompson was quite simply a unique writer - as someone once said (buggered if I can remember who), "No one writes like Hunter." Hell's Angels is effortless, entertaining and not bogged down in the cynicism of his later books.

Kerouac ... well, he certainly broke new ground and he could put a sentence together, but I found On The Road unnecessarily rambling in parts. Did we really need a five page description of someone playing a horn? I know it served a purpose, but two pages would have achieved the same effect with less boredom for the reader.


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