Friday, September 08, 2006

The 25% Rule

I've made changes to about 10 of the 14 pages of 'Recipe For Nostalgia' and what started out as a 9,000+ word tale is now down to about 7,400. As well as cutting away the fat, I've uncovered multiple plot holes and inconsistencies (which thankfully have been fairly easy to rectify). It's going to need a couple of polishes when it's done (two different grades of editorial garnet paper, you might say) so I think that will be next week's (or weekend's) task.

Time to focus back on Truck Me this morning - poor old thing has lain neglected and melancholy as I wandered off on my inevitable tangents.

All quiet on the submission front. Still another few weeks before I can legitimately start sending query letters out to anyone. Looking at the list of stories under consideration, the only one I don't think is in with a better than even chance is 'Lest We Forget', which is with the choosy, 'publish when we can be bothered people' at Borderlands. So by that reckoning, I could have another four credits before the end of the year! (Yeah, keep using those exclamation marks, loser. Why not add some unnecessary italics while you're at it? It works for Matthew Reilly.)


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