Thursday, September 14, 2006

Highly informative

Opened my hotmail this morning to find a message from Chippewa Publishing - unexpected, since I had already received an automated reply. Maybe this is just their way of confirming receipt and making sure they aren't wasting anyone's time, but this was the content of the second email:

"Thank you for your interest in Chippewa Publishing. Please be advise[sic] we are an e-book publisher and do not offer advances for our publications. Should you wish to have GHOST KISS reviewed for potential e-book publication, please let me know."

I would have thought my subject line of SUBMISSION coupled with a manuscript and synopsis formatted to their specifications would have made my intentions clear enough. But anyway, I wrote back saying I was well aware of Chippewa's publishing model and that I had spoken to Sarah Dobbs about it and would indeed be delighted if they'd review it for potential publication ... as I had already inferred, rather plainly, in my covering letter. (Naturally I didn't add that last bit.)

Maybe I should be happy - it shows a personal touch I've encountered very rarely with other publishers.


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