Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Given up the Ghost

Bugger ... Macmillan New Writing rejected Ghost Kiss this morning. I honestly thought I had a chance - but then I guess 12 in 3,000 isn't great odds. Hmm. Well, time to find another market for it. Perhaps Allen & Unwin or a smaller OS publisher. The Americans have been fairly receptive to my stuff so far.

Turning to better things (and affirming my last post about impetuousness) yesterday I capped off 2,000 words on a short story that's been knocking around in my head for probably two months now. It's a mainstream philosophical drama with the inaccurate working title of 'Cheap Tattoo' (which was the first thing that popped into my mind). I imagine it will work out at around 4,000 words when complete.__

-- Supplemental--

The circle has neatly closed ... Ghost Kiss is with the people at Chippewa Publishing, where it was intended to go in the first place. Their response time is a soul-crushing 16 weeks. It could be 2007 before I hear anything!

'Cheap Tattoo', now operating under the more dignified name 'Wisdom of Death', is complete - about five words shy of the anticipated 4,000.


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