Monday, September 25, 2006

Lightening the load

I've begun a second draft on Truck Me - the first 30 pages of it anyway, which is what Allen & Unwin requires for novel submissions. As usual most of the first two or three paragraphs went straight in the bin (metaphorically speaking) as I have a habit of summarising the scene for myself before getting around to telling the story. Also, now that I'm editing at 'tree level', I'm surprised how dissatisfying some of the sentence structure is. It should get better as I go along, but right now there are a lot of flat, 'was-riddled' passages.

From The Asylum should have been in touch by now reagarding 'Level Two', so I sent them an email this morning. According to their website they are on 'hiatus' for two months (never a good sign, despite their protestations to the contrary), which probably explains it.


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