Sunday, September 10, 2006

On the road with Jack and Hunter

With Mr John Wyndham now disappearing into the distance, I've started riding honest and dirty with Hunter S Thompson (Hell's Angels) and Jack Kerouac (On The Road). I've read a bit of Thompson in the past - Fear and Loathing, plus a huge book of his letters and correspondence - but I've never read Kerouac, mea culpa. I can't believe I've been spending my hard-earned cash in bookshops, often on junk, when our local university library has racks and racks of classics. I'm not sure what I'll do when my girlfriend finishes her degree at the end of the year. :(

Some industriousness over the weekend (while my girlfriend slept off a hangover) sees me with 90 of 147 pages worth of alterations made to the first draft of Truck Me. Pleasantly, the inconsistencies have proven easy to fix in most cases and it's been fun finding out exactly how many gears an 18-wheeler semi-trailer has and whether Griffith is north or south of Sydney.

Will try to make the final changes to 'Recipe' this afternoon in preparation for a final edit and submission on the weekend.


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