Tuesday, August 29, 2006

First read complete

Thanks to some unexpected downtime at work, I've completed my first read through of Truck Me this morning. I can confidently say it's the best novel I've written (even though I still hold Ghost Kiss in high regard). I didn't rush the ending for once, and I think it shows. It feels complete, satisfying. The majority of the necessary plot changes are minor, fiddly additions and rearrangements rather than entire passage rewrites.

I'm up in the air about whether to start Commune or focus on coming up with good endings for 'Adam Marked 1' and 'Displeasures of the Flesh'. The scribbled-on 'Recipe for Nostalgia' also gives me a reproachful look from time to time, asking if I'm ever going to honour my word and get it into shape. Oh, and then there's Poison, a novel that a small Queensland publisher almost took on a couple of years back. With a rewrite and a few added chapters, I think that could have potental as well.

So many projects, so little time! Feel free to email me, Macmillan UK. Really.


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