Thursday, August 31, 2006

Forced to refocus

Earlier this year I tried to finish 'Other Intelligent Life' but couldn't. Later I realised this was because I had not finished revisions on Ghost Kiss and this was subconsciously distracting me.

I think my false start on Commune might be the result of a similar situation. While I'm excited to get started on it, the (smarter) guy running the show behind the scenes thinks I have several other projects that should take priority. What's the point of writing another novel if I have Truck Me and half a dozen worthwhile short stories still in various stages of (in)completion? My mind runs predominantly on one track and trying to envisage plot for Commune while also rewriting three other things is just impossible. I need to clear my workspace – ie, get all my short stories and novels in their best, submittable shape - and then devote my energies to the new novel. It's not going anywhere, and it's a period piece (of sorts) so it's not like it has a use-by date.

So ... nose to the editing grindstone.


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