Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Recipe for Bloodshed

I'm up to page 5 of 'Recipe For Nostalgia' and the manuscript already looks like an autopsy. One performed by a near-sighted surgeon in desperate need of a new lens prescription. It's slow-going, not only because the writing is three years old, but also because I think I'm entering the first stages of burnout. I've been belting away furiously on one project or another since this time last year and in the past two or three months I've not only been burning the candle at both ends, I've pared down the wax in the middle and set that part of the wick alight as well.

When 'Recipe' is revised and sent off, I think I'll take a break from everything except the changes to Truck Me. No set time frame, just as much time as is needed for my creative urges to be repleted. (Is repleted a word? Well, it should be.)


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