Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Grand (and slow) Old Harlot

Yep, Aurealis drops another notch in my estimation. Last weekend's query about the status of my story has been resoundingly ignored. Again. From memory it took three weeks to get an acknowledgment of receipt, though, so perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.

In brighter news, I'm 62 pages into my first read-through of Truck Me and can report that I'm very happy with it so far. Some nice writing (if I do say so myself) and I've only encountered one or two inconsistencies in plot. Suprisingly, I think it's the dialogue that's going to need most attention. It seems to have taken me a while to decide how one of my main characters should speak and behave. But aside from that, I think Truck Me is going to require much less work than Ghost Kiss did.

A weekend of nothing happening on the acceptance/publication front has also stilled my over-enthusiam and brought me back down to earth. And I've gotta say, the feeling of it under my feet is reassuring. Breathing rarefied air is intoxicating in short bursts, but too much of it brings on paranoia and anxiety. (Unless of course you're a professional author, in which case you can safely live at such altitudes.)


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