Tuesday, November 07, 2006

'77 ... A good year

'Cause it's the year I was born. It's also not a bad page number, and happens to be the one I'm up to in Commune. I've rediscovered the groove, I'm pleased to say, and am motoring along toward the second section of the book. At a revised estimate, I'm thinking it will be around 180 word pages or about 120,000-130,000 words, although I haven't plotted an entire section yet - so it could run much longer than I expect. A busy time lies ahead in my real life, both professionally and socially, so hopefully I can still maintain this pace.

Issue #10 of Dark Wisdom is due out next month, and if the editor was as good as his word, it should have a review of Hell's Hangmen in it. Of course, with 22 stories in Hell's Hangmen, it's entirely possible 'Cut 'Em Down' won't even rate a mention.


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