Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Projecting elsewhere

Okay, Scrybe Press' email was still bouncing back today, so I decided to shoot Ghost Kiss off to a small UK publisher known as Bloody Books. Frankly, I don't know how it's going to go there, but I'm fast running out of options that I'd care to pursue. Many others are e-book options, or the likes of Whiskey Creek Press, which charges you $90 to distribute your title as a POD paperback. Bite me!

Oh ... and yet ANOTHER Andromeda update and I'm still in round 1 (which seriously cannot be a good sign). Of the 100 stories sent around the same time as mine, 11 remain in round 1. Hmmm.


Just got word that Blade, Blood & Thruster has accepted 'From The Vampire Film Review'! Woo-hoo! That makes it zero to five acceptances in 11 months!


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