Sunday, October 29, 2006


I've had a bit of a check around and decided that Scrybe Press might be a good market for Ghost Kiss. They seem quite flexible in terms of spelling (ie, they don't insist on American format) and have an international buyer base. I believe Ghost Kiss's Aussie trappings might have worked against it on my previous two subs.

Loaded will go in the mailbox today with my new Spinetingler credit added to the cover letter. Let me say now that I think it's an excellent novel and a rejection will be a major disappointment ... although I'd have to be a moron not to realise that a rejection is the likely outcome. I'm beginning to think that I need to network, try to make a friend somewhere in the publishing biz. It certainly couldn't hurt.

Back in the Commune saddle today with 1,200 words (possibly more depending on whether I get a train seat) added to it. I'm having tremendous fun and I just hope the elan lasts through until page 150 or whatever it works out at.


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