Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Destination in sight

Okay, I got up to page 29 of 30 in changes to Loaded last night. Tonight should finally see me reach my destination. Then it's an on-screen draft and onto the exciting submission bit. Of course, I still have 111 pages that I haven't even done a second draft on yet, but we won't talk about that right now.

Paid out another 2,200 words on Commune yesterday and will manage about 1,500 today. I'm loving my characters - they seem rich and interesting and have a lot to say. Little do they know the tragedy that lies afoot. Heh-heh.

Forgot to mention that I reread Dean Koontz's Watchers over the past two weeks - easily my favourite of his novels. He has a tendency to go off on long periods of telling (especially where character traits and personalities are concerned) but otherwise I don't mind his style. It has a confident, musclebound quality, what Stephen King has referred to in his own prose as 'good weight'. I don't care so much for Koontz's dialogue, which is sometimes tinny and corny, but he makes you want to keep reading without cutting the book down to a plot skeleton (ala Matthew Reilly et al). I don't care for a lot of Koontz's new stuff - False Memory bored me stiff. In that one he had obviously done lots of research into psychology, but instead of using pinches of facts here and there to give the book credibility, he layered the jargon on with a trowel. The first hundred pages read like one of my girlfriend's textbooks and I gave up soon after.


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