Monday, October 16, 2006

Warning! Intruder alert!

Real life has intruded on my writing efforts during the past week, but I'm glad to say it has not stopped me adding at least 1,000 words a day to Commune, which is already approaching the 30-page mark.

Loaded, on the other hand, is proving a tedious process indeed. Maybe I'm being overly fastidious, but each page of changes seems to take half an hour to complete. I sit there on Saturday and Sunday mornings and cogitate over which word to use, whether the sentence rewrite I've suggested is really the best one, and so on and so forth until it's midday and I have to clean the house or take the dog to the vet or something and I've only made changes to three or four pages.

Still nothing regarding short story responses ... however, I suspect I'll hear from Andromeda in the next day or two.


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