Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Invasion completed

Finished 'Other Intelligent Life' this morning. Came out to about 4,600 words. I'm feeling fairly positive about it and once it's in it's best shape I'm sure it's something Andromeda will allow through to the third round and then reject. Is that bitterness or jadedness?

Whatever the case, I have effectively 'cleared my desk' of current unfinished projects. I don't have any pressing story ideas, so I'm thinking my next task should be to rewrite a story I think has real merit, 'Recipe For Nostalgia'. I got some extremely useful feedback from Cat Sparks (of Agog) who pointed out that the female character behaved in a completely unbelievable fashion. I have a clear idea of how to both fix this and tighten the story considerably. (It's one of the longest short stories I've ever written, running to about 14 Word pages, so some shortening will certainly do it some good.) I must have written it nearly three years ago now, so revisiting it will be interesting.

No news on the acceptance/rejection front. Aurealis is due to get back to me very soon. I intend to query in a couple of weeks if they don't send a response.


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