Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Alternate ending

After giving it a right royal drafting, I've decided the ending to another story I wrote about 18 months ago, 'Adam Marked 1', doesn't work at all. Not even a little bit. The only option seems to be to cut the 1,000 words of the climax and come up with something completely different. At this point, I have no idea what that might be. It was originally intended for an anthology called Robots and Time, but kind of petered out halfway through it's composition and I ended up missing the deadline. A while later I came up with the shite ending that it currently has.

Struck down with the palsy the other day (okay, it's a cold I got from being drunk in the freezing night air with only a thin jacket on) so progress has been rather slow. I had a great idea for a story, but alcohol claimed that too. My only consolation is the other times I've had ideas while drunk and remembered them, they haven't seemed anywhere near as inspired the next day. Nonetheless it's frustrating and I think I might lay off the booze again for a while. Being healthy and clear-headed is much more fun.


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