Sunday, August 13, 2006


Anyone reading this blog must think I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder the way I flit from idea to idea and project to project. I'm afraid I must fortify this impression – yesterday I sent off 'Trouble With The Locals' to a dark fiction magazine called Back Roads, a title published by 1018 Press.

After adding a few hundred words to 'The Barber', I took a break. Sipping coffee and letting my mind wander, I happened to think of 'Trouble With The Locals' – which I like even though no one else seems to – and opened it up. I spent the next two hours re-editing it on screen. Pleased with the revisions, I made a search for someplace good to send it. My first attempt was fruitless, but then I searched again the following day, refining the criteria. Back Roads popped up, almost as though I was destined to find it – 'Trouble With The Locals' involves a track that runs off a back road!

No news good or bad in the response department. On the weekend I also commenced a John Wyndham read-a-thon, which will take in The Chrysalids, Trouble With Lichen and a collection of his short stories. Many years ago I read The Midwich Cuckoos and Day of the Triffids, both of which I loved. But finding his lesser known works has been tricky – especially since with a mortgage, purchasing books is an inaffordable luxury. However, I accompanied my girlfriend to a university library (she needed to borrow some textbooks) and hit the Wyndham jackpot.


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