Monday, May 01, 2006

The last novel (for a while)

I made the decision this morning that once Truck Me is complete, it will be the last novel I write for some time. I have perhaps half a dozen short stories waiting completion or proper editorial attention (not to mention Ghost Kiss, which has been sitting on my desk untouched for the past week) and it is yarns like 'Blue Diamond Pool' that should have priority if I am ever going to have a crack at full time authorship. It's all very well to pen book after book, but if no one is going to read them because I don't have a good enough list of short fiction credits, what's the point? I might as well head to a vanity press and be done with it.

Speaking of Truck Me, I purposely got an earlier train this morning so I could run a few errands before work and therefore did not get a seat. But once I was at work, I put together 1,100 words in what must be record time ... and I'm hoping to add another 500 on the way home. Not a bad tally!


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