Sunday, April 23, 2006

Slow news ... month

Due to cut-off dates and coincidence I find myself in the literary equivalent of a doctor's surgery – bored, waiting and knowing something potentially unpleasant is about to happen. (The other option, of course, is that I'm going to get some good news and my writing life will not be over.) Between Hell's Hangmen – which is apparently staying open until May 31 after all, contrary to some reports – Andromeda and The Undead 2 (neither of which will have a response ready until mid-year) I'm just about climbing the walls. Now, I know there are worse places to be. I could be in the 'swift rejection' place where I spent most of the years 2001-2004, for instance. But I could also be in the 'full-time author' place, which from the 'one published credit' place looks pretty frickin sweet. It's times like this I wish I had more writer friends ... or any writer friends. Someone to whinge to now and then would be rather beneficial, I think.

Truck Me news: Breezed past the 90 page mark on the weekend, which was satisfying (even if that was the only set goal I am likely to achieve for the Anzac period, since we are now hosting a party of 11 tonight).


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