Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Read not ripping enough

My first real disappointment in a while today – Agog Ripping Reads rejected 'Displeasures of the Flesh'. The editor, Cat Sparks – who has been dilatory with most of her rejections in the past – said she liked my writing style but thought the story was not strong enough ... basically a half-step up from a form rejection as far as useful feedback goes. I still have high hopes for 'Displeasures', though, and it's now just a case of locating another likely market for it. If I can't find a home for it elsewhere, I might try offering it up to Scifantastic later in the year when it opens to submissions for #5. I reckon Sarah Dobbs might dig it.

More than a little writing done on Truck Me this morning – half an hour on the train plus another 1,200 words at work (post-deadline serenity making that possible). Currently in the mid-70s as far as page count goes, hoping to seriously bolster that over the Easter break – 1,500-2,000 words a day for four days being the goal. Sadly, history shows that public holidays tend to be devoted to drinking, eating and playing video games. Wish me luck!


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