Saturday, April 08, 2006

Tomorrow is another day...

...and the day that Cat Sparks from Agog has promised to get back to me regarding 'Displeasures of the Flesh'. Not having received a confirmation email upon submission (and because the guidelines said the contents list would be finalised in early April) I thought it prudent to make sure rather than wait and find out it hadn't arrived in the first place. Of course now I'm paranoid that I've blacklisted my story by enquiring ... even though Cat is one of the nicer and more constructive editors I've had anything to do with. I rate that story, and I rate Agog, so ... well, nothing I can do now.

Less than an hour now until my birthday celebrations (not much to celebrate in turning 29, but it sure beats turning 30) and they're shaping up to be sizeable. The previous two parties have been huge flops, which to some extent I attribute to the time of year and the inconvenient venues. Therefore, I've kept it simple this time. Either way, there hasn't and won't be any writing done this weekend. What the hell, it's an annual event. (Along with Australia Day, Easter, Anzac Day, The Queen's Birthday, Labour Day, Christmas, New Year's, other people's birthdays ... Come to think of it, it's a wonder I ever get anything written at all.)


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