Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Making a splash

A month or so ago I began writing a ghost yarn entitled 'Blue Diamond Pool'. The first 5,000 words (ie, most of the story) rolled off the production line with almost no effort, but then I got to the point where I needed a good climax ... and I didn't have one. For several days I wrestled with it, but no matter whether I tried the Boston Crab, the Indian Deathlock or just a plain old headlock, it wouldn't submit. I decided to leave it for a while, thinking an answer would come if I didn't try so hard.

As the weeks passed, I began to wonder if 'Blue Diamond Pool' was going to be consigned to the dreaded ABANDONED folder that sits on the desktop of my computer. Some rather depressing curiosities reside in the ABANDONED folder, including 36 pages of a novel called To Cross The Seas and several stories that petered out after a page or two. I desperately did not want 'Blue Diamond Pool' to join this family of creative abortions. For one thing, it was heart=breakingly close to completion, and for another, I felt it was pretty good – perhaps even very good. Grasping desperately at straws, I considered passing my incomplete story around and seeing how my friends and family thought it should end. As any creative creative writing teacher would probably tell you, this was a terrible idea.

Today, perhaps shocked by its own desperation, my mind flickered – and eventually came up with a healthy flame of an idea. Now all I have to do is put it down on paper. Long live the Blue Diamond Pool!

The Fearless Writer


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