Monday, February 13, 2006

Gotta keep truckin

I'm about 11 pages into Truck Me now and I've hit a bit of a flat spot. Sometimes this can just be a reflection of the physical or emotional weather – you're stressed or tired so writing becomes more difficult – but other times (and I think that's the case here) a dip in focus can often mean you're off topic and need to get back to the core story. If you're not interested in writing it, no one will be interested in reading it.

I'm still taken with the idea and I like my characters, however, so I'm confident I'll come out the other end of this tunnel shortly.

I've decided to give Borderlands a miss and try sending 'Displeasures' to an overseas 'zine, Ideomancer (nice title). I'm also going to revise another story, 'Trouble With The Locals', and see if I can't get it published somewhere. I really like it, but feedback so far has ranged from "too slow to get started" to "errors in feasibility". Then again, who knows – maybe people just have a problem with cannibalism...

The other story I have hope for (but which has also been described as overwritten) is 'Perverting The Course of Justice'. You might call it an outback fantasy, I suppose ... although that sounds kinda gay. I plan to revise it also and trim it if I think such suggestions have merit, but I honestly reckon it's just a case of getting it in front of the right slush reader or editor. Maybe Andromeda if 'Level Two' is shortlisted or rejected.

-- Also just received confirmation of my submission to The Undead 2. Goody!

The Fearless Writer


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