Sunday, February 19, 2006

Same Old Story

Another weekend where my fingers didn't strike a key in anger. Not even to make editing changes on stories. Sometimes it's just hard to muster the selfishness required to do this writing thing seriously. What, is Kellie going to wash the car and clean the pool and bathe the dog and tidy the house on her own? Am I supposed to be a hermit, not have friends over when I could be writing? I can't do it. Perhaps I'm weaker than I thought.

Truck Me flowed pretty well this morning (it probably helped that I had a sold eight and a half hours sleep for the first time in weeks). In the coming days I am going to try and split my time between the novel and a short story for an anthology of horror yarns set in America's wild west. It's a clever crossover concept, I think, and it sparked an idea that has the working title of 'Sheriff Knox's Grand Retirement'. I even have a decent ending picked out. Now to find the time to write it. Won't be tonight, because we have to go grocery shopping. Still, it's nearly ratings season, when hours of rubbish reality TV will be back with a vengeance. Now there's something I'm willing to sacrifice...

The Fearless Writer


PS - Urk. The Andromeda website was just updated and I am still in round 2. That either means that a couple of readers gave me a no or a maybe, or my submission somehow fell to the bottom of the pile. Let's hope it's the latter.


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