Tuesday, February 14, 2006

On the road again

Back into the swing of things with Truck Me this morning. I found that unconscious flow of language that makes writing such a joy, where the brain and the typing fingers are in perfect unison and yet the writer is oblivious to them both, seeing only the images in his head, hearing only the voices of his characters and the objects they manipulate.

With Valentine's Day and various other commitments I haven't had much time to put my nose to the short story grindstone after work. I want to get them done and submitted quickly so I can get a final revision done on Ghost Kiss. The little voice in my head (who is almost always right, and if I don't do what he says, I usually regret it) is saying that the literary agent is going to want to see the full manuscript – and I don't want to turn in anything that isn't as perfect as I can get it. It could be Eminem's "one chance, one opportunity", and you can bet if I miss it there'll be a lifetime of regrets.

The Fearless Writer


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