Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Quick draw in the Wild West

Over the past two days, more work-time than advisable has been spent completing ‘Sheriff Knox’s Grand Retirement’ (I still can’t decide if I like that title or not). Appropriately enough it was a quick-fire 2,600 words and I can’t remember ever enjoying writing a story more. When it comes to editing, however, I think I'll end up spending days fine-tuning the dialogue. I suspect my cowboy drawls might have frequently slipped into a dialect more common to states south of the Mason-Dixon line. Still, with only movies to guide me, I probably shouldn’t feel too bad. And I really like my characters.

Truck Me is now around the 20 page mark, doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. Usually they don’t until around 80 pages, when the euphoria of new composition begins to wear off and I curse myself for not having written more in the early stages when motivation was in plentiful supply.

If last week was anything to go by, the next update from Andromeda should be posted tomorrow morning… More then, if it happens.

The Fearless Writer


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