Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Hack work

About a third of the way though making the final draft changes on Ghost Kiss. Roughly 40 pages done, about 1,500 words snipped – and I've nearly dipped below the all-important 90,000 word mark (about 90,500).

The plan was to get all my short stories in shape as well, but I think I'll need an editing break after this. I'm kinda over it. Perhaps I'll let my mind wander around for a new short story idea, then once I've written that, go back to the others. Or maybe writing the final passage of Blue Diamond Pool is the better option. A compromise between writing, editing and trying to get more stories out there.

Speaking of which, I got a nice enough rejection for Trouble With The Locals. It suggested in vague terms that my story had been "competitive" – an unusual way to refer to it, especially since it seemed to be a form rejection for all intents and purposes.


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