Monday, May 15, 2006

In the clear

Glad to say that all the cobwebs were well and truly gone today. Kellie needed my laptop for uni, so I hit the keyboard when I arrived at work – and knocked out almost 1,900 words in a single session. The finale of the novel is also gaining some of the emotional momentum, that it seemed to lack yesterday. If I keep up this work rate, my goal to complete Truck Me before the end of May is more than feasible.

Had a short story idea about relative intelligence today ... I was quite taken by it, but I suspect it's probably an area another writer has covered before. If the idea survives beyond all my editing plans, I might attempt to put it down on paper.

Also been trying to do dribs and drabs of Ghost Kiss when I get a moment. Roughly halfway through now and feeling positive ... although like my composition, I have some days where I feel like a genius and other days when I don't think I'm fit to share a shelf with Sidney Sheldon.


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