Friday, February 03, 2006

Draining Day

Got up early this morning and got to work. Not long after, I discovered that our drain was blocked and there was a lot of unpleasant smelling water and something that looked suspiciously like bits of toilet paper all over the concrete patio area. $250 later a plumber had moved the blockage and also favoured me with the rather rancid news that there was a tree root grown into the pipe and unless it was cleared (for a price of $1800), further blockages were pretty much a certainty.

On the plus side, I sent off 'Level Two: Time Trial' and managed to get most of my affairs in order for Ghost Kiss. Just need to make a couple of photocopies of stuff, so I don't think I'll send it until Monday now.

You can see why so few people actually make it as writers. There just aren't enough hours in the day. Haven't managed to add a single word to Truck Me today and since I have to attend a 30th birthday tomorrow, I probably won't get any done then either. Fark.

The Fearless Writer


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