Friday, February 03, 2006

Setting out

Okay, here the status quo:

1. I have a novel called Ghost Kiss which I am going to submit to a local agent. I sent them another novel last year and received fairly positive comments (even thought they rejected it as being 'too difficult to market'). So I'm hoping that this one will be easier for them to categorise and that the addition of a paid publication (with 'The Beauty Without') might convince them to represent me.

2. I have an amusing SF short story called 'Level Two: Time Trial' that I think one of the local anthologies might appreciate. I tried it on an American anthology but I think the humour got lost somewhere over the Pacific Ocean.

Tomorrow (Saturday) I'll get up and waste half a tree of paper printing out the necessary synopsis, sample chapters and whatever else the agent's submission guidelines request, then mail the novel off. The short fiction magazine, thankfully, has embraced the electronic age and I can just email it to them.

Wish me luck!

The Fearless Writer

PS – I've just started writing a new novel with the working title of 'Truck Me'.


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