Up and Atom(Jack)
'Level Two' is now up and awaiting interested eyes on the AtomJack website. I'm proud to have it there accompanied by stories of a quality you rarely see in an online 'zine, much less a free one. And Adicus the editor also made mention of the story's exploding apples in his introductory letter - I guess we have the same sense of humour.
One of the perks of being published in AtomJack is that you also get a free entry into its short story competition, which pays big bucks for first prize. As soon as I hear back from Yog's Notebook (I have queried the editor), and if its response is in the negative, I am going to submit 'Other Intelligent Life' to Adicus and see if that tickles his fancy as well.
I'm reading another John Wyndham novel at the moment, Chocky, and as well as being a terrific yarn (Wyndham is easily in my top 3 favourite authors), an image he used in a passing descriptive sentence gave me an idea for a horror story. I'm letting it simmer at the moment, but I might take a crack at it in the next few days, or perhaps on Saturday.
One last thing: last night, completely at random, I decided to open the first novel I ever wrote. I remembered it being totally awful, 282 pages of unserviceable mush. But as I read it over, it no longer seemed that way at all. Puffy, yes, but the body of a good fantasy novel resides underneath. Once Commune is in some sort of shape (God knows when that will be) I might even go back to Catalysts of War and see what I can make of it. It seems a shame to write 180,000 words and never give them a fighting chance at publication.
One of the perks of being published in AtomJack is that you also get a free entry into its short story competition, which pays big bucks for first prize. As soon as I hear back from Yog's Notebook (I have queried the editor), and if its response is in the negative, I am going to submit 'Other Intelligent Life' to Adicus and see if that tickles his fancy as well.
I'm reading another John Wyndham novel at the moment, Chocky, and as well as being a terrific yarn (Wyndham is easily in my top 3 favourite authors), an image he used in a passing descriptive sentence gave me an idea for a horror story. I'm letting it simmer at the moment, but I might take a crack at it in the next few days, or perhaps on Saturday.
One last thing: last night, completely at random, I decided to open the first novel I ever wrote. I remembered it being totally awful, 282 pages of unserviceable mush. But as I read it over, it no longer seemed that way at all. Puffy, yes, but the body of a good fantasy novel resides underneath. Once Commune is in some sort of shape (God knows when that will be) I might even go back to Catalysts of War and see what I can make of it. It seems a shame to write 180,000 words and never give them a fighting chance at publication.