Sunday, March 12, 2006

When it rains... pours. Had my second stroke of luck in as many days, with the discovery that 'Level Two: Time Trial' has made it into round 3 for Andromeda Spaceways. It's also the second story in a row I've submitted there that has made it to the third round, and unlike 'Portal of the Rich and Famous', I think 'Level Two' really suits Andromeda's often jocular tone. As I think I might have mentioned before, Andromeda is my most coveted publication space. Now there's another 2-3 month wait ahead as an editor hopefully 'discovers' it, otherwise the dreaded rejection note is forthcoming...

Should also point out (as I don't think I have already) that 'Cut 'Em Down' is the story formerly known as 'Sheriff Knox's Grand Retirement'. Much punchier title, and more horror/Western. Not too sure if it played any part in the story's acceptance – but it obviously didn't hurt!

Reached page 39 on Truck Me this morning.

More than 300 pages into Stephen King's Cell now, review probably about a week away.

The Fearless (And Very Chirpy) Writer


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